Why "Internet" Is Changing To "internet?"

Associated Press Stylebook have announced that the word “Internet” will no longer be used as uppercased. However, I sort of disagree but I have to adapt and enjoy the stories developing in this month of fun, April!

The AP Stylebook, has been a reference guide to many journalists, newspapers and websites in writing style and new guidelines. In a recent tweet, the publication company defines Internet as “a decentralized, worldwide network of computers that can communicate with each other.” This implies when spelling Internet, capital "I" will be changed to "i." 

The AP Stylebook has also decided to lowercase “Web” as "web." Both words are to take effect on June 1 when the 2016 edition of the style guide is released. 

Previously, the style guide has created other inexplicable changes including “more than” versus “over” and “underway” versus “under way.” “Internet” will further add to this annoying list.

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