Face It: You’re NOT An Entrepreneur

“Entrepreneur” – it’s a buzz word. This is something that’s been eating at me for a while. Everyone wants to believe they’re an entrepreneur—but I think a lot of people don’t really understand what it means.

I was listening recently to a recording and they made a phenomenal point. One that I’d been on the cusp of, I’d been looking for an answer to — but I hadn’t quite made the jump.

A lady on this recording was talking about her business and she was asked, “Would you ever sell it? I mean, if someone offered you money right now?”

Her answer was a fast and resounding, “No!”

“Then you’re not an entrepreneur,” the interviewer said. “You’re an artist.”
This is exactly the distinction I was looking for.

 Are you an Entrepreneur – Or an Artist?

If your Work is building, selling and buying businesses, you’re an entrepreneur. If your Work is the subject of your business — a passion for helping a particular group of people or around a particular product or subject, you’re an artist.

Still NOT sure?

Ask yourself this:

If someone offered you a reasonable amount of money for your business, would you sell it?
If the answer is a resounding “yes”— if you’d happily flip what you’ve got and take the money to go into the next thing — then chances are, you’re an entrepreneur.

If the answer is “no”—if you’d struggle to let go of the thing you’ve built, if it’s your passion, if you love your community and your employees — then chances are, you are NOT an entrepreneur.

I know for some people, that’s a hard pill to swallow.
“Entrepreneurs” are this generations rock stars (as even rock and movie stars become entrepreneurs). You WANT that title. But the odds are, it’s not REALLY you.


There is no value judgment here.

One is not better than the other. Both have their upsides — and their downsides.

The question is: who are you REALLY? Because when you understand and embrace that, you’ll find yourself in state of flow a lot more often. Resistance of who you are is the quickest way to misery.

Entrepreneur vs Artist: A Profile

The following is a list of famous business owners as segregated into artists and entrepreneurs based on what I think but I’m interested to hear your opinion. Do you agree that Steve Jobs was an artist? Is Zuckerberg an entrepreneur? Are there people missing from the list? Where would you place them?

Famous Artists

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